Air Pollution in Nepal

Striving to reduce the negative effects of air pollution in Nepal in coordination with the BYU College of Engineering.

What’s new in the lab?

  • Began to code and analyze the survey responses in Dedoose.

  • Case Study Poster and Extended Abstract Paper Prepared & Submitted! Edited Onboard documents.

  • We spent the week updating our analysis notes within Dedoose software and working on papers. Additionally, we met for a couple hours discussing the causes and effects of various problems in Kathmandu Valley.

  • As of today, our data set has 85 codes, 629 coded excerpts (data points) and 1747 code applications. We are beginning the process of conscious open memoing, which is an attempt to uncover the core problem definition and express more completely the problem's context. We're also compiling the core onboarding documents (lab charter, org chart, roles and responsibilities, project outline, etc.). We conducted a cross matrix exercise of problems to map conceptual causal pathways of the “problem network.” These issues are represented in multiple network graphs.

  • This week we created a Lab Charter and established Microsoft Teams group. We also determined that the communications specialist role in our lab for the summer would be based on a rotation of who’s available to attend the dissemination meeting on Thursdays.

  • We started a discussion about “onboarding material” and created a few documents to get ready for 10 additional students to work one hour a week in the Fall.

  • We identified who would become our primary contact for communication in Bhaktapur. We also attended a professionally recorded interview with the Ballard Center, answering questions about our lab.

  • CSV files recounting Nepali interviewee answers cleaned and ready for uploading to Dedoose. Second Dedoose project created.

  • We made a document called the Social Impact Braindump Document to brainstorm and research ideas of social problems and their interrelatedness.

  • Team Roles document created; we tentatively assigned roles to each team member based on interests and strengths. Although each role has a leader associated with it, each person can complete multiple roles at a time. Case study paper submitted.

  • Began discussing pros and cons of having a dual-modeled approach regarding inclusion with the Ballard Center.

  • Submitted abstracts. We started work in Dedoose, our team’s preferred research analysis platform.

  • Worked on abstracts for various conferences. We trained ourselves in Nvivo (a qualitative data analysis software), but it turned out to be incompatible for our lab.