Global Drought and Flood Early Warning

We are working to implement a global drought and flood early warning system in coordination with the BYU College of Engineering and funded by a grant from the US federal government.

What’s new in the lab?

  • Zeroed in on the social impact cycle related to training 50 STEM women in GEOglows technology. Utilizing design thinking, drafted a potential curriculum schedule, presenting comfortable, middle ground, and extreme options.

  • After meeting with Dr. Nelson, direction shifted dramatically. Learned that the main contact, Calvence, transitioned to the Nile River Basin team, making efforts in Malawi challenging. Concurrently, SERVIR and GEOglows plan to train 50 STEM women in Central America using GEOglows technology, pivoting the lab's focus to this initiative.

  • Deliberated on the lab's primary audience, weighing options among political leaders, disaster relief personnel, tech implementers, and those involved in measurement and evaluation. Employed design thinking methodologies to ascertain the most suitable audience for the lab's objectives.

  • Continued refining the primary problem and target audience. Revised the logic model to determine where the center/lab would be best positioned to provide assistance.

  • Through comprehensive research across all audiences, began honing in on a specific issue and audience. Constructed a logic model detailing every phase of implementation and potential challenges at each stage.

  • Delved deeper into research, focusing on the aforementioned audiences to strengthen the ecosystem map and social impact cycle.

  • Expanded research and refined the ecosystem map and social impact cycle, tailoring it to distinct audiences: political leaders, RCMRD, the engineering department, and local villagers, with the objective to pinpoint the most impactful audience.

  • Dedicated significant time to outreach, interviewing, and synthesizing insights from experts.

  • Developed an ecosystem map and a social impact cycle centered on drought and flood prevention. Identified both local and international experts for collaboration.

  • Initiated research to gain a deeper understanding of the context, contributing factors, and negative ramifications associated with floods and droughts in Eastern Africa.

  • Assembled a team, defined roles, set expectations, and engaged with mentors and critical stakeholders for the project.